} Nova Ibex 3
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Nova Ibex 3



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  • The performance featherweight (EN/LTF A-C) By mountaineers – for mountaineers Lightweight, high performing, uncomplicated: the IBEX 3 is an ultralight wing (from 2.5kg) made by mountaineers for mountaineers. The IBEX 3 XXS is aimed at pilots who appreciate a small wing with a lot of performance; the IBEX 3 XS and S are fully-fledged thermalling wings (EN/LTF A).

  • Impressive performance/weight ratio. Either light or high performing – we were not prepared to settle for this compromise. The IBEX 3 offers both: very lightweight, combined with the performance you would expect from a NOVA wing. The IBEX 3 sets the glide performance standard in the ultralight class. This means the IBEX 3 is a fully-fledged paraglider, which impresses both in performance and in its agile handling One wing, three uses. IBEX 1 and 2 were primarily aimed at those looking for a small, light paraglider. The IBEX 3 continues this tradition and offers a lot more: the XXS continues to be a small wing with lots of performance; XS and S (depending on wing loading) are fully-fledged paragliders which climb in thermals and make easy work of gliding. In-between is the hybrid zone. More info on this in the weight-range section. The IBEX 3 caters for a multitude of requirements.

    Maximum simplicity. Rough, alpine terrain is incompatible with complicated design concepts. Therefore the IBEX 3 has been made easy to use: the few lines are quick to sort; the mechanically loaded leading edge on the top surface is made of abrasion-resistant 20D cloth; the launch and flying characteristic are incredibly uncomplicated. This makes the IBEX 3 a wing that can be trusted in all eventualities.

    WEIGHT RANGES The IBEX 3 range: Pleasure – the optimal weight-range for recreational pilots. In the pleasure range the IBEX 3 offers a high degree of passive safety and convinces with a very good climb rate. The wing loading is equivalent to the one recommend for our standard paragliders. The pleasure range is also suitable for new pilots. Hybrid – more speed, more agility but still good climbs in thermals. Perfect for those who want more speed and agility but who do not wish to compromise on climbing in thermals. Higher speed can be useful in strong winds. The hybrid range is not suitable for new pilots. Fast – perfect for those looking for a fast, light wing with good performance. The fast range is reserved for experienced pilots who can handle the agility of small wings. These pilots can enjoy a nimble, playful wing.

    The IBEX 3 range:

    • Pleasure – the optimal weight-range for recreational pilots. In the pleasure range the IBEX 3 offers a high degree of passive safety and convinces with a very good climb rate. The wing loading is equivalent to the one recommend for our standard paragliders. The pleasure range is also suitable for new pilots.
    • Hybrid – more speed, more agility but still good climbs in thermals. Perfect for those who want more speed and agility but who do not wish to compromise on climbing in thermals. Higher speed can be useful in strong winds. The hybrid range is not suitable for new pilots.
    • Fast – perfect for those looking for a fast, light wing with good performance. The fast range is reserved for experienced pilots who can handle the agility of small wings. These pilots can enjoy a nimble, playful wing.